How to Improve Facebook Feedback Score

Your Facebook feedback score can be a source of pride and joy for your business, or a nightmare filled with unhappy customers, advertising restrictions and account closures, should you go with the wrong supplier.

You may be considering a quick fix, such as finding a feedback score “fixer”, but that won’t repair the underlying problem.

It’s that underlying problem that’s keeping your business from true growth.

What is that problem? Bad customer experience.

This article highlights 7 solutions that you can apply via your dropshipping agent or other supply/fulfillment services to improve your Facebook feedback score by improving your customer experience. (Bonus tip at the end)

1. Set Reasonable Shipping-time Expectations

Not doing this might be the number one Facebook feedback score killer.

Imagine you’ve ordered something online and you’re extremely excited. So excited in fact, that you’ve figured out the earliest possible date your package will arrive.

You’re hopeful that the package will arrive sooner rather than later. As time passes and that doesn’t happen, you’re in a perpetual state of hope that today is the day it’ll arrive. Any disappointment that it hasn’t arrived already is outshone by a sense of excitement.

Finally the day you’ve been waiting for arrives, the final day in the estimated delivery time range. It has to come today, right? But nothing comes in the mail…

Excitement quickly turns to disappointment.

You open up the tracking information and the order is still in transit somewhere far away…

Disappointment turns to anger.

You find the company support email… And we all know what comes next!

Setting unreasonable delivery expectations can make a huge difference to customer feedback. If customers are disappointed then that will reflect in your feedback score, even if your delivery times are pretty good.

Setting unreasonable expectations generally comes in two forms:

  1. Advertising shipping times as much faster than they truly are

  2. “Deflating” the short end of the time range where for example, instead of shipping times that are 5-10 days you set them as 2-10 days.

Even the 2nd form above can cause issues, especially in situations where the package arrives later than expected, after 10 days in our example.

Your best bet is to try to set reasonable shipping expectations. Under-promise and over-deliver where you can, but at the very least avoid doing the opposite!

If you find yourself in a situation where your shipping times are so slow that no sane customer is going to convert if you do set legitimate shipping expectations, then see the next solution: Improve shipping times!

2. Improve Shipping Times

The number one worry that most new dropshippers have is that their shipping times are too slow. And to be honest, if they are using the options available in AliExpress then they’re often (not always) right to be worried!

Customers don’t want to wait 3 weeks to a month for their products this day in age, and if you make them wait that long then they’re unlikely to give you a good feedback score.

If your shipping times are too slow and the carrier doesn’t offer faster shipping times, then you’re only solution is to use a faster shipping line offered by another courier.

Changing shipping courier may require you to consider alternatives to AliExpress such as another platform, or working directly with a private dropshipping agent in China who has access to faster shipping lines.

For more information see: How to Find a Dropshipping Agent

3. Improve Packaging & Inserts

Your overall customer experience when receiving the package and opening it is going to affect how they view the product and their feelings towards your business.

You want them to have a great unpacking experience which means:

  1. The package arrives in one piece

  2. The product arrives undamaged

  3. The product/packaging is nicely branded

  4. Inserts such as instruction manuals or thank you messages are included

If your packages are arriving in bad shape, or products are arriving damaged then consider using sturdier material. If your goods are being sent in mailers, perhaps you can use a box instead. If you’re already using boxes, then perhaps your supplier can upgrade to a harder more durable material box.

Good branding will always improve the customer experience in that they will feel the product is worth more and is higher quality. This alone will translate into higher feedback score!

If you haven’t heard of branded dropshipping before, then see this article: What is Branded Dropshipping?

Add some inserts into the package with your product for the cherry on top to your customer’s experience. Make sure to explain clearly how to use the product, offer discounts on future orders, and thank them for shopping with you!

While some of these issues may seem minor, they will certainly add up. Implementing solutions for all of them is a great way to improve your customer feedback score quickly and effectively.

4. Have a Quality Control Process

Steps 1 through 3 won’t matter if your supplier is sending out broken, defective, damaged or dirty products!

Make sure that whoever your supplier is, whether it is through AliExpress or a dropshipping agent in China, they have a quality process in place based on your requirements.

Let your supplier know exactly what they should look out for, and what your customers will not accept. Even if it’s regarding less severe issues such as small scratches / dirt, be clear with your quality expectations.

You can also ask them to test a few products for each new batch they receive from the manufacturer. This may be more or less viable depending on each product.

Another thing to ask your supplier is if the actual manufacturer tests each product after each new batch is created in case there is room for improvement there.

5. Provide Excellent Customer Service

Whatever difficulties your business may be suffering from, be it shipping times or product quality, excellent customer service can help alleviate a lot of the pressure.

If your customer’s product hasn’t arrived on time, make sure to apologize for the inconvenience and thank them for their patience.

Assure them by letting them know you’re communicating with the courier, or at least provide them a phone number to communicate with the local courier directly themselves. Perhaps offer a special discount code for future orders after you’ve successfully resolved a case.

If the product hasn’t arrived in good shape send them a new one and communicate with your supplier so that it doesn’t happen again.However dire the situation gets, always present a positive and sympathetic attitude to your customer.

Even if they were not completely satisfied elsewhere, customers will always remember good customer service!

If you don’t have time for customer service because you’re too busy fulfilling orders, then see this article: How to Automatically Fulfill Orders on Shopify

6. Upgrade Product Components

If there are particular components of the product that your customers are complaining about, there may be room for improvement!

With such a wide range of products available the potential upgrades are endless. The best way is to research a bit into how your product works/is made, and then ask your supplier directly if it’s possible to upgrade.

If your supplier on AliExpress or another platform refuses to work with you in this regard then it may be time to consider a private dropshipping agent.

7. Ask Customers to Confirm Checkout Information

This one can help with issues stemming from customers inputting the wrong delivery information.

If your checkout page has an autofill function, your customer may use the feature and unwittingly input delivery information that is slightly incorrect.

Adding a confirmation step at the end of the checkout process will reduce the chance that this happens without the customer noticing.

While the idea of adding one more step to the checkout process may deter many dropshippers from applying this solution, it saves a lot of headaches in the long run.

Bonus Tip: Find Out Why You’re Getting Low Customer Feedback

Facebook now has a feature on the same page as the feedback score that breaks down your feedback into more detailed segments. You can find it at

facebook feedback.png

You can also send automated emails to get more detailed feedback from each of your customers.

One way or another, figure out which area of your business the worst feedback is coming from so that you can fix it as soon as possible.

Now that you know how to improve facebook feedback score by improving customer experience, all that’s left to do is start implementing the solutions above and get that feedback score back on track.

Good luck!

And if you need a dropshipping agent that you can work with to fix any of these issues, feel free to check us out via the links below.

If you’re looking for a dropshipping agent, reach out to us or hit Learn More.

Ecommpanion - Your sourcing and fulfillment partner for E-commerce & Dropshipping.

Niall Enrique

Over half a decade in Ecommerce
Lived in China since 2015


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