Branded Dropshipping Service

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Turn your business into a real e-commerce brand with our branded dropshipping service.

We provide a complete branded solution which includes:

  • custom designed packaging

  • custom packing inserts

  • product branding

Our approach to dropshipping is completely different from the standard models out there, vastly superior to dropshipping from AliExpress, and infinitely better for both you and your customers.

Branded Dropshipping
Service List

Our branding service helps establish your brand’s physical presence to better reflect what your customers see online.

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Product Branding

We communicate all branding options available for your product so that you can make an informed decision.

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Custom Box Designs

Whether you already have a design in mind or not, we work with our partners to make your brand vision a reality.

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Branded Packaging

We bring your brand to life with tailored packaging for an unforgettable unboxing experience.

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Branded Inserts

We offer everything from basic discount cards to more complex instruction manuals to help grow your organic sales.

hand presenting product box

Design Templates

We provide templates for your design team to speed up the design process and avoid wasted time.

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Quality Control Process

We manage the entire process from start to finish to ensure premium quality for all your products, packaging & inserts.

Branding Process

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1. Discovery

You let us know what you want to brand and how you want to brand it. We discuss what packaging would best suit your product and the costs for different options.

Packaging: 1-2 Days
Product: 1-2 Days

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2. Design Evaluation

Once we’ve established what you want, we take your designs to the suppliers. Samples are created and sent to our warehouse in Shenzhen for inspection & feedback.

Packaging: 1-3 Days
Product: Varies

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3. Production

If you’re satisfied with the samples then we go into production. We order your branded product, packaging and/or inserts then check the quality of the new batch.

Packaging: 1-3 Days
Product: Varies

Who Is Our Branded Dropshipping Service For?

You Found a Winner

You’ve been testing on AliExpress or other platforms and have just found your winning product.

You need to reliably source the highest quality version of your product at the best possible price, brand it, and ship it from China.

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Scaling to the Moon

You’re scaling your advertising and employing multi-channel marketing to create consistent sales.

You want to create a real brand around your business, so you want an experienced team to brand your product, packaging and inserts.

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E-com Austronaut

You have a defined advertising & marketing strategy that is consistently delivering sales at a large scale.

You’re not happy with the state of your current supply chain, and are looking for a premium service that better reflects your brand identity.

How You Benefit

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Free Quote in 24 hours

Uncertainty kills many businesses, which is why our easy quoting system delivers a crystal clear breakdown of your COGS.

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Automated Fulfillment

Once we’ve connected to your store, all orders are processed automatically. Your customers will receive their tracking info without you having to lift a finger.

accelerated sales growth

Accelerated Growth

Organic growth is driven by customer experience. We treat each order with this in mind to ensure your customers are happy and telling their friends about it.

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After-Sales Service

We negotiate directly with couriers to refund lost packages and replacement shipments are sent out free of charge.

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$0 Warehousing Fees

Receiving & storage fees make it more difficult to calculate your profitability for any given product. We simplify the process by waving such fees.

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Extended Team

We seamlessly integrate with your team via Slack, WeChat or Skype to build a self-sufficient support system to alert and resolve any issues promptly.

Additional Services

We work with our partners to provide design templates and photography services, as well as UGC style videos.

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Build a Real Brand

Most of our clients establish brands that last for years (and are still going strong). A real brand goes way beyond just private-labelling your product & packaging.

fast and accurate order fulfillment

Speed & Accuracy

Not only do your customers receive their packages on-time, but they also receive exactly what they ordered.

Easy On-boarding

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1. Get Product Quote

Once you’ve filled out the quote form, we get back to you with a quote which includes the product, shipping and fulfillment costs.

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2. Connect to Store

If you’re happy with the quote, we connect to your store which allows us to plan inventory by seeing your order volume for each SKU and prepare for order fulfillment.

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3. We Fulfill Orders

Once we establish payment terms, we order your product so that it can be fulfilled from our warehouse within 24 hours of a customer placing their order.

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Branded Dropshipping FAQ Guide

Old, unbranded, generic looking stores are a thing of the past. If you want to succeed in ecommerce for the long run, then you need to be doing branded dropshipping.

Continue reading below to see every question and answer you need to know about branded dropshipping.

What Is Branded Dropshipping?

Stage 1:

Branded dropshipping is the act of branding your store to create a more trustworthy look and premium feel, so that customers are more likely to buy from it.

Stage 2:

The online store sells products under their own brand name as in stage 1. Then the dropshipping supplier packages the products using branded packaging before shipping them to the customer.

Is Branded Dropshipping the Same as White Label or Private Label Dropshipping?

Branded dropshipping is a general term that can encompass white label or private label products. In most cases you will be selling white-labelled products.

White label products are generic and sold to multiple retailers who then brand and price the products.

In your case you’ll be asking your supplier to organize branding for your product, but you won’t have exclusive rights to the unbranded version they hold.

Private label products are exclusively sold to one retailer and are unique to them.

Branded dropshipping is legal as long as the product you are branding isn’t patented and you’re not using somebody else’s brand.

If the product has no brand associated with it, and is being offered by multiple suppliers, then it’s likely that you can sell it safely.

Selling Disney toys and such is usually a big no-no, and will get you banned on most platforms you sell or advertise on.

What Is a One Product Store?

A one product store is the easiest type of branded dropshipping store to implement.

You create one store that is completely built around one product. Even the website URL is sometimes just the product or brand name. 

How Does Branded Dropshipping Work?

Branded dropshipping is simple in theory but easy to mess up in practice. You create a store with a select few branded colors, a logo and an overall design that is in harmony with the products available on the store.

The more your product selection varies, the more difficult it is to maintain consistency throughout the entire store. Most people apply branded dropshipping to an industry, niche or one product store because of this.

Some people go so far as to photoshop their logo onto their products to truly establish their brand as the developer of the product.

What Is “Complete” Branded Dropshipping?

Some ecommerce businesses go one step further than just branding their online store, and truly apply branding to all their physical products and packaging.

The reason for this is because it improves their customers’ experience.

This approach is associated with a longer lasting business because customers are more likely to come back in the future, and tell their friends about it as well.

Is Branded Dropshipping Better Than Standard Dropshipping?

Generally speaking, yes, it is.

Branded dropshipping is associated with higher conversion rates, as not only is your store more trustworthy and memorable, but customers are more likely to associate your brand as the sole supplier of the product.

Is It Possible to Have Branded Packaging When Dropshipping From AliExpress?

Some AliExpress suppliers offer branded packaging while others don’t. To find out if your supplier offers it, simply reach out to them and ask.

How to Do Branded Dropshipping?

To do branded dropshipping you need to research how easy it is to brand your product and source suppliers for the product. Once you’ve done that, then just open your branded store and start selling the product.

How to Source Branded Products?

To source products you can either look on dropshipping platforms, contact suppliers, or use a sourcing or dropshipping agent. Not all products can be branded and not all suppliers will offer branded options. Some suppliers will have an MOQ (minimum order quantity) to work with them.

How to Find Branded Dropshipping Suppliers?

Some AliExpress suppliers offer product or packaging customizations.

You can also look if your product is available on CJ Dropshipping or Zendrop, as they offer some basic customization options.

Another option is to check Alibaba, which would mean owning inventory. Alternatively you can use a Dropshipping Agent who finds suppliers for you.

How to Brand My Own Products?

There may be different ways in which you can brand your particular product.

For some products applying a sticker label is sufficient. For other products laser etching or engraving are better options.

You’ll have to work with your dropshipping agent or supplier to decide what’s best for your product.

Branding Your Own Product vs. Dropshipping Established Brands

Creating your own brand around a product is almost a completely different business model than dropshipping established brands. 

The best thing about branding your own product is that you also create a business around a brand that you own for the long term.

On the other hand, when dropshipping products from large brands you don’t have to spend time building those brands. However, you’ll need to get properly authorized to do so.

Branded Dropshipping Supplier Template

First off, I’ve seen a lot of people who lie to get a quote from a dropshipping supplier if there’s an MOQ. That’s not a good long-term strategy if you want to build a relationship with them. 

Usually, I suggest you test products by marketing and seeing how the demand is, and once you’re getting sales, then switch over to a good dropshipping supplier or agent.

You can use this outreach template to contact dropshipping suppliers or agents that don’t have a quote form:

Hi [Supplier]

We’re looking to find a high quality supplier of this product: [Link + Photo]

We currently have [#] orders per day on average and I’m confident that will increase once we have reliable supply.

Could you please provide a quote for our total costs to send this product to a customer in these [Countries].

I would also like to know what our branding options are for the product, packaging and packing inserts. What are the MOQs for each, and how much will they cost?

Any further information you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Is Branded Shopify Dropshipping Possible?

Branded dropshipping on Shopify is possible and highly recommended. Shopify is the most popular ecommerce website builder for a reason. It has the most apps, most customization, and is most likely to survive in the long-term in my opinion.

How to Start Branded Dropshipping on Shopify?

Branded dropshipping on Shopify is similar to doing the same on any other SaaS commerce platform. All you have to do is:

  • Choose Your Industry, Niche and/or Product

  • Choose Your Name, Domain & Logo
    The more generic the name the more you can pivot if your first attempt doesn’t work, but the further away your name is from resembling the product/niche/industry you’re in. 

  • Sign Up to Shopify

  • Design Your Store / Web Design
    You’ll have to consider the colors and typography, as well as preparing high quality product photos and compelling copy.

What Tools Do I Need For Branded Dropshipping?

The main tools you’ll need are photo editing & design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or Canva. There are also Shopify Page Builder apps such as GemPages, Pagefly and Shogun, if you’re not satisfied by the default Shopify page builder.

How Does Dropshipping Branded Clothing Work?

If you want to dropship clothing or other accessories you can use dropshipping suppliers like Printful or Printify

First, you upload your designs and you’ll see how much it costs to create your custom product. Then, you offer the product at a higher price in your store to make a profit. You only pay after a sale comes into your store and it is fulfilled by whichever supplier you chose.

Printful offers 0 MOQ branded dropshipping for clothing, mugs and other accessories. The downside is that their prices are quite expensive so you’ll have to charge customers quite a premium.

How to Market Your Branded Dropshipping Store?

There are a few factors that will help you determine how to market your store. Firstly is your product something that people are searching for, or would most people not know about it? 

If your product is the second kind, then can you think of a marketing angle that would stop people in their tracks while scrolling through their social media. After hooking them in, can you think of a way to keep their attention long enough to convey the benefits of using your product to entice them to click on your website link? If so, then you can consider Facebook/Instagram/TikTok ads if you have a budget, or organic posts on TikTok or Instagram if you don’t.

If it’s more likely to be searched for, then consider Google ads if you have a budget, or organic SEO if you don’t.

If you have influencers or YouTubers in mind whose viewers would love your product, then you can go down that route.

No matter what you do, it’s probably best to have a basic marketing strategy in mind before you spend all the time setting up your branded store.

Is Branded Dropshipping Worth It?

It’s always worth branding your dropshipping store, regardless of whether you can brand the product or not.

Given that many suppliers will require an MOQ to brand your product and/or packaging, it may not be the best move to dive straight into branded dropshipping.

However, if you are confident in your product because you see demand for it, then branded dropshipping is totally worth it. Branding it along with the packaging and packing inserts is the next step to developing a fully-fledged brand.

Will I Attract More Customers With a Branded Dropshipping Store?

Done well, a branded store attracts more customers to buy than an unbranded store for the same product.

This is because your customers have a higher perceived value of the product itself, and they trust you more.

Both make your customers more willing to pay a higher price for your product, and more likely to convert at checkout.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Branded Dropshipping?

The pros are that your customers are happier, your brand is more memorable and ultimately that leads to your business being more profitable for a longer period of time.

The biggest disadvantage to branded dropshipping are the MOQs. If you buy product and packaging in bulk when there is no demand for your product, you could be left with excess inventory.

How to Transition From Standard Dropshipping to Branded Dropshipping?

Transitioning from standard dropshipping to branded dropshipping is simple in theory. All you need to do is ask your current supplier to brand your products and packaging. In practice however some suppliers or platforms may not provide that service, in which case you’ll have to find someone that does.

What Are the Best Products for Branded Dropshipping?

There are so many products out there that it is hard to pinpoint the best for branded dropshipping. 

Anything that comes in a bottle or tub is extremely easy to brand by applying a high quality sticker to it. Those kinds of products are usually consumable which means customers will have to come back for more, thus increasing customer lifetime value.

Products that are light and considered valuable, like jewelry, are great for profit margins. The high perceived value means you can charge a high price, while the fact that it’s small and light keeps shipping costs down.

What Is the Best Packaging For Branded Dropshipping?

The packaging you use will depend on the product and your margins. 

Some products are better suited to bubble bags, which provide protection to lightweight products.

High quality branded corrugated boxes are a safe way to get your product to your customer in one piece, but increase shipping costs because of their weight.

Is Branded Dropshipping Still Profitable?

Branded dropshipping is the most profitable form of dropshipping. You maximize your store’s conversion rate, as well as customer satisfaction and lifetime value.

You can start by branding your online store with the aim to eventually brand your physical products and packaging as well.

Have you ever considered what it would look like to handover your entire supply-side workload? No more negotiating with suppliers, manually fulfilling orders or worrying about slow, unreliable shipping.


Hi there, I’m Niall from E-commpanion. Our team supports scaling dropshipping & ecommerce businesses by providing a complete supply-chain solution. Would you like to see how much our service would cost for your product?